Saturday, January 23, 2021

Realm of the Ghoul Collector

 Somewhere in the erotic Toyverse jungle a few months later..

Davina escape from her mask king sometime after twilight dusk. A high moon lights up the erotic jungle as she follows a footpath. There times she'd rather be lost than captured in this formidible jungle. But she doesn't dictate the rules. The unseen forces which govern this jungle do and Davina the Red knows this. Davina finds a quiet place to sleep. Hours later she does and she dreams. 

The preminiton of the destruction of the Toyverse feels real and it jolts her from her long sleep near a glistening lake. It's still moonlight when she stirs awake. Still the images of the feSo iry destruction of the Toyverse disturb her. All she knows a huge planet of unknown origin would wraught its destruction. In the universe Davina has no power to control and the preminiton itself didn't really tell her own future. It's like she's in the undiscovered jungle. She hears of roars of reptiles unknown echo in the distance and the growl of a hungry plant here and there. 

Davina falls back to a dreamless sleep. 

Hours later... 

A heavy tropical rain which she welcomes stirs her fully awake. She feels rising dawn. There times Davina wishes she has a kingdom of her own. But the fresh premition of the Toyverse destruction is fresh in her mind along with clues she can spot. 

"How long do I have here," She mumbles softly as she rises in the rain. She loves the Toyverse rains for it clenses her. She knows she's far from being found but she's been wrong before. She knows someone always finds her and keeps her to do thier bidding. So she follows a nautral landbridge across the lake unaware of eyes stalking her. She quickly reaches the otherside... 

Davina doesn't see the jungle covered tresspassers sign. 

Davina stops when suddenly some armed ghoulish shadows surround her. "Sieze her." 

Davina feel her wrists bound her bareback as her nude hardbod glistens. With her wrists bound behind her back she marches as thier beholden captive. 

"Where the bloody hell are you taking me?" Davina asks with a flirt in her voice. 

"Your Ghoul king wishes to have you." 

"OK," Davina says. 

Like phatom shadows they disappear and Davina could only guess her fate as the ghouls forge her forward as thier new found erotic toy.