Somewhere in the exotic,erotic jungles of the Toyverse...
The larger moon face revealed th bizarre ruins and the couple couldn't believe what rhey stumble upon. The surreal ruins are older than anything on earth,Davina and Zordo surmised. Davina let Zordo grab her bare shoulders and pinned her against a cool wet stone wall and they embrace madly.
"Love this world already," Davina murmurs as she feels the god's lips all over and Davina returs as she discovers her new sexual prowess. Unbeknwnsit to then other eyes are watching, their focus on the sexy erotic Davina.
Davina takes Zordo by the hand and she leads him into a crumbled spherical structure and Zordo lets her kicks him gently to the wet grass, Davina climbs on top of him as his huge hands run over her perfect nude hardbody. She bends her back as Zordo caresses her affectionaly.
"Conquor me," Davina murmurs seductively. "Conquor me."
The couple continue their excasty for a few hours and then the arm dark intruders bust in taking the nude couple by surprise. A muscular shapeshifter orders "Surrender lovers."
Davina and Zordo do. Quickly the other shapeshifters bound Davina's and Zordo's wrist behind their backs and the shapeshifters march them out of the structure.
The lead muscular shapeshifter quickly seperates Davina from her lover. "Who are you?" Davina asks as the strange shapeshifters returns them to the erotic jungle, The shapeshifter answers "Zobal."
They quickly search some trees and find one and Zobal orders "Bound her lover to the tree."
Davina remains silent as the other shapeshifters bound Zordo to a ruggef jungle tree. Once done another shapeshifter cuts him and his blood trickles down his skin.
Zobal places hand on Davina's shoulder and turns her away; he kicks her gently as he keeps staff trained on her. "March toy."
"If you say so." Davina replies as she follows the wet path; she feels his hand stroke her long glowing red hair. She has no idea why the shapeshifters want her, she could only guess why this Zobal wants her. She says "You got Zordo my lover out of the way so you can have me."
"Yes,my toy," Zobal states as he prods her with staff,
Davina could only speculate where Zobal is taking her within the vast jungle.
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